Monday 22 August 2011

Representation of paintings

Our original theme for our story idea is manhood. I feel this painting 'Male model' 1900 represents our theme very well, in this painting you can see a strong bold man in the foreground in a commanding position, he is also up on a table which portrays authority which is shown by men during manhood. The dull colours represent a more manly vibe, which works well with the tones to bring out his masculine features. The world of the painting represents a working class background due to the colours and dull tones, this links with manhood because traditionally men did more jobs while the women looked after the house and children especially in the 1900's.
I feel this painting is represents manhood really well to, the clenched fists represent power, anger, and war which is generally associated with men, and consequently manhood. This painting is also strongly linked to politics in Spain. It was a symbol of never giving up, and was used for postal stamps. This is a display of manhood, how in society men are looked at to be powerful, and fight for salvation. The artist Miro Engraver was inspired the political battle Spain was going through and also other artists.

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