Saturday 13 August 2011

Research on characters

The two main characters in this film is similar to John and Colin, the larger one is the most dominant one and the older one like Colin. We also see the realtionship between the two characters in how the bigger one has more power, and is known. We also see his co partner as his slave and has less power, this is similar to John. "Frank" everyone knows his name which shows how popular he is weather it is for a good reason or not, this is similar to Colin he is popular and has freinds waiting for him outside his house. 8 minutes into the film we see the under dog gain power and point the gun at his partner, this is also apparent in my film as John gains power and subsequently his manhood as he saves his mothers life. This is a way we can show the relationship between John and Colin in my film 'Take the next step' this film has helped me in the portrayal of the brotherly relationship of our two main characters. Which i feel will be more succeessful due to this research.

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