Monday 5 December 2011

Evaluation of my film posters

 The main colours in my series of posters were various shades of blue, white and grey. The colours best represents the themes of the film which were manhood, pride, and love. The white represents purity and positivity which comes through the main character John who helps to save his mothers  life by donating a kidney. As black normally represents bad or negativity and white represents the opposite i figured to blend the two colours together to make grey, to represent the good and bad moments within the film.

The main figures and objects within the poster are clouds, and a few of the main characters from the film. The clouds were instilled graphically although the pictures were photographically taken. The clouds represents brightness , and the transition of floating from the old into the new. This is how the main character travels through the film so i decided to incorporate this into my posters. All the messages of the poster are visual meaning that it is has to be smart and snappy to catch people's attention. Especially in the way most people will see the poster perhaps on a bus or at a train station and they may not have much time read it. The though bubble in the first poster is representing what the character is thinking about, this could lead the audience to predict an happy ending, which is great because we want the right sort of audience to watch the film. In the second bilboard poster we John with his head in his hands which suggest there is some heartbrake within the film which would draw in drama fanatics which is the genre of my film. In the third poster there two males, in how they layout it may suggest that they are family members this something everyone can relate to, also there facial expression are cold, and could add susspence to the story. These are the sorts of symbols i have placed in the posters to make the audience aware of what is going to happen.

The target audience audience for the film is from 15 to 35 years of age. Due to the content of the film, and the emotional element which may be to advanced for younger viewers to grasp. I feel the colour scheme of the posters relate well to our niche audience. All the clours are mature enough for slighlty older viewers, and the light blues will appeal to a younger audience according to my market research. The poster appeals to families, kidney failiure paitents, boys, girls and many other audience groups. Most of things are shown within the film the film although i have tried to incorporate as much as possible into the posters. The colour blue is generally a popular colour amongst males so the dtrong refference to this will attratct males, and sterotypical clouds will attract girls due to the fantasy element and how "pretty" it looks. White is a very mutual colour and relates to both sexes very well. Personally I feel the bright clouds takes you into another world of happiness and youth when clouds was exciting to look at and count, hopefully my audience will gather a similar experience whilst looking at the poster. Although the fantasy illusion is great it dosen't work with genre of drama, as a lesson i have to work harder to prevent an unwanted overlap of genres. Drama is expresessed in my posyers through the layout, and the facial expressions of the characters. Mnay critics viwed my film and the most noticeable critic were 'The Guardian' newspaer who quoted it as "Simply amazing" and rated it avery sucessful three stars. This is my unique selling point as the papper is so recognisble in the U.K. The tagline is ver simple 'Size dosen't make a man' which may attract boys who are not as popular, or strong as your average boy and wants to see how his sort of chracter is portrayed. This story I feel could easily change somebodies life and give confidence to people who may not be as cool or stong and i fel that is an imporatant quality in a film, to make a difference.

 I feel my poster puts across the themes and the story very well through pictures, layout, graphical images and much more. I would say the misconception of genres could effect the audience perception of what genre the film is. All in all I feel the posters were and are very suceessful.

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