Monday 3 October 2011

Actors and auditions

The group and I decided i film will be better suited if the actors were a white family. So for the last week i have been trying to find a white mother and two sons which has been very difficult, especially finding the mother due to my age. Although I discussed with my group a few days ago about the difficulties and we have decided that it would be more practical to find a black family. Therefore we are most likely going to have a black although if i can find a white then we will go forward with that. I have found an actor for the black family to play JOHN but not for COLIN or LINDA. By Wednesday 9th I want to have had all my actors ready for my film. This will require me to contact actors and set auditions. For the extra's i was just going to gather people from around my school, but I soon realized that even a single shot could take time so we need well informed prepared actors. Auditions will be held for the major and main characters on Monday 7th

Actor's needed:

John - main character

Linda - major character

Colin - major character

Colin's friends - 4 - extra's

Janet Baker - bumps into John - extra

Extra's - in the corridor - 4

Due to the amount of actors needed intense work has to be taken to follow this out and get the actors efficiently and on time, I see this as my responsibility and will be detrimental to the group if it is not.

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