Wednesday 6 July 2011


This is a picture of a washing machine, the reason why I chose to take this is because it goes round and round forever which links with the theme. The symbolic message of going round is also a representation of our lives how it just keeps going on even when troubles occur. 

This is picture of a clock, I choose a clock because time is endless and keeps ticking which again links with forever. The effect of spinning it is to represent you cant stop, change, or effect time. And it also shows how time is not an object and is not tangible.

I took a picture of baby to represent the beginning of a humans life and the everlasting human race. I took a picture of the baby looking at the camera and  as he is laying down as if he is looking at life which is a representation of forever
 The will spinning displays the aspect of forever it keeps going. The over the shot makes us focus on it.
 The long shot of the sky represents limitless and how  the sky has no barriers and goes forever.

 I chose to use a flower as it represents freshness and also because flowers will forever grow depending on what season it is.

This is a close up shot of water running, I chose water because is a key fundamental thing we all have, the intimacy of the shot makes it hard to see what it is.

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