Tuesday 22 November 2011

Final draft - news article

The actual article from Total film.

This is an article from Total film magazines, and this is where I gathered my imformation, layout, style, and themes from. I choose this article because I liked the style of  it especially, in how it is very simple but descriptive.  I did a lot of research into other magazines to use as a basis such as Empire mgazine, and sky magazine. Although they were more about the writting and I wanted a magazine which focused on pictures more and Total film did this. I also like the film the 'Pirates of the caribean' so this also attracted me to us this, and I think this key in making an article people will read, choosing popular and interesteing films people want to read about.

My interpretation of an article from Total film
I made this article at school using Publisher, which limited me because it is not as developed as for example a software like Photoshop, but it still enabled me to make a relatively deatiled article which corrosponds with the article from Total film. You can see the large similarities between the two articles. For example I used the Q&A section which I feel is a great way for the audience to become part of a film which is a great marketing tool. Also the use of a large boulging title to draw the audience in is evident in both pieces.  I also used text headings to break up text and to give a little summary of certain things like extras for example. This was mainly because this was done in the article I was reffereing to and it gave the article more depth and made it more exciting to read. What I have learnt from this magazine is they love pictures in there articles, to describe what they have written on a visual level, this is something I incorporated into my article. I think this is very smart because many people don't like to read large quantities at a time, and especially due to the fact that the target audience for the is teenagers 15 who sterotypical don't like reading, up until the elder generation roughly 50 years of age. So it was key to get the balance right between text and pictures. To attract a younger audience and an older two. There are a few weaknesses to my article such as picture wise we could of got better quality pictures, and could of got my content of text to be more similar to the article I reffered to, this is not to mention I should of used a software like photoshop to make our piece look better visually, although these are things i will just have to learn from. On the brighter side I do think my article was almost a detailed replica of the original this is from the layout, the colour scheme i used like reds, blacks, and greys. Also the additional element of the Question and answer section which I feel our audience will benifit highly from. All in all i feel my article is very good it is straight to the point very descriptive, with a great layout and pictures to make it look visually good and fit the style of a Total film article.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you used colours and how u added in a q&a section and it gives the audience a chance to get closer to the cast and crew. This being a relationship with your target audience.
