Monday 3 October 2011

Music to represent our theme

This music represents how Linda and John are feeling for most of the film,
until John was a successful donar to his mother and proves he is a man to
himself, and when Linda gets a phone call that she has received a donor.
This music sets the world of the film and is not very exciting, which
works well with the film and helps to bring out the emotion of the
story line. It also helps to get into the mindset of the characters and feel the
neglect John is facing, it also taps into the fact that Linda as at the edge of
her life needing a donor and only one MAN can save her. I this music really
compliments our piece.

Although this song was made to overcome racial oppression it also has
 the obvious links with our main character John. John is a young man
 who is also through a oppression from his brother Colin his mum Linda,
and others within his school fold. In that this song represents his courage
that he had to step when his supposedly stronger didn't. It also shows his
manhood to not give up, this song has a strong motivational aspect which
is similar to what John gets when he knows his mother that he loves is in
danger, and he could help her. This also shows that man is determined
on your physical size alone but your mental too.

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