Monday 19 September 2011

Treatment 1st draft


Tag line: Size don’t make a man

John Mc’Giningham is a 21 year old from London, his mother’s name is Linda who owns her own hairdresser’s in Bermondsey. His father Craig abandoned John ,his mother and his brother at a very tender and critical time for the family. Consequently John missed that father figure in the house, throughout his school life he was bullied and tormented about his lack of physicality and self confidence. John was very unpopular and saw school as torture. Even his few friends made fun by calling him ‘Twiggy G’. Even ay home he was looked done upon by his older brother Chris the opposite to him and his mother Linda. Although his only sense of pride was his Grandfather who fought in ww2 and died for his country, he always loved the army and everything it stood for. One morning after months of pondering John decided to take a step, to gain his manhood, a journey he needed to embark on by himself to join the army. As he left on his journey he leaves an army leaflet on his bed and doesn’t inform anyone on his anticipated departure. Linda then drops to the floor fearing for her sons life as he goes to represent his country she phones family members to ask if they have been informed but all have been unaware of his decision.  We then see a shot john walking down the road by himself with his bag of army stuff and boots hanging out to show he is ready to serve in the war.

1 comment:

  1. Pitch 1 Josh- Strong narrative, got a very good base and open for creativity
    Abigail- Good idea, unexpected twist, original story, creative.
    Heena- Good narrative, concerned about time management may not be able to fit with narrative
    Ms Nair- Simple, quite typical, "steer away from the bullying"
