Wednesday 7 September 2011

Ideas for film

This is how we started the creation of our film, these are theme that Rikita Samuel, Jessie Anim and I David Sanni came up with to base our story on. This themes came from magazines, articles, and previous films.We began narrowing the list down by taking out divorce and marriage because didnt think it would realistic to get to elder actors. We also took out 'Selling your soul' because this had a lot os spiritual refferencew which would of been hard to portray sucessfully. We were told to stay away from 'Gang warfare' because it was to cliche and examiners didn't really like that sort of film. After analysising all our choices with our teacher and our audience we narrowed it doen to 'Manhood' and 'Effects of war'. Personally I really liked the idea of manhood as it was a broad subject, and could be played by an actor of my age. Also it could be set in location which are easily accessible like a school caompared to a battlefield, or some sort of army cadet.

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