Wednesday 13 July 2011

Subject matter - film 2

An engineer with a a good heart and a secret embarks on an amazing journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers.
Will Smith who played ben was the main charcter, i feel this clip shows and displays manhood without using violence although it is sad. It shows a man who feels owe's alot to the world at the death of his wife, and then gives up his own life for who he loves. It also shows how men feel they need to take responsibility when something happens, and how they neeed to take the fall in a relationship. The main location used was a bathroom which is unusual for manhood to be shown, which shows me i can a different kind of location compared to a park or outside a shop like "Baby Boy". The experiece of seeing the suicide take place was chilling and cold and the cinematography of the blue bathroom highlights it well. Although the animal used by Ben to kill hiself was out of the ordinary aswell.  In this case the manhood shown involved a female which is quite common i feel, it shows how men feel it is there duty to protect there wife, and there homes. I feel the close-up shots again help us feel the emotion of the scene and how sad it is, The over the shot gave us a good view of Ben and it helped made the audience feel sympathetic towards him as we look at watch him go through agony, for his wife which again displays manhood. The moving pictures going back and fourth to the past and present helps tell the story of why he is doing this, and how he feels the accident which killed his wife is his fault, which is similar to in real how men feel if for example a child gets hurt. The pull on the shower curtain by Ben shows his power and how it is slowly decreasing as the poison sets in, it shows his struggle for life, and his struggle with manhood.

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