Wednesday 22 June 2011

Short Films Research

First time it hits: This clip is about a boy falling in love with a girl, although it is not displayed in your typical average way. The fast moving images represent the life of the skater. The point of view could be the representation of how the boy sees life, very dull and underground. The rock music goes with the style of skateboarders, stereotypically hard hitting and radical, which are both parallel. The montage shots of the girl is making us paint a picture of who she is and it makes us judge her because we have seen so much in a small segment. The cartoon styled love heart is the only brightness we see which makes it more significant and also because its cartoon it represents young love better. The narrative was very simple and short but was executed in a smart way; the location fit the world of the film.

Hard Labour: This clip about a man who has a wife and a kid, but had an affair with his nanny, and forces her to get rid the baby. The sad music adds sentimental value, the world of the film is very dull and matches the storyline in the sense is quite dark and sad. The mid shot of the man between both babies is very smart shot. There choose of Croatian worker makes sense in how people hire foreign workers due to low prices, and lack of maintenance.

Ice cream dream: is about a girl who is afraid of meeting new people, then from a dream a she gather’s up the courage to go and socialise. The double shot technique is good and be useful. There were many dreaming shots which turn into another scene which worked well.

Job Street: is about three poor men in search of work, but end up in trouble. The fast moving shots represent anxiousness really well. The close up impression of a handheld shot worked really well, it allowed us to concentrate on the reactions of the character. The world of the film was quite depressing and nothing exciting happened which fits the world of these kinds of people. There were also good fades and pan shots. The clock sound works really well it gives the illusion that something is going to happen which leaves the audience in suspense. The mirror shots helped the narrative. The pan shots across the wall show how serious the situation is represent the title of the film. Cries fit in with the world of this film. The fact that the workers are illegal immigrants makes sense and fits in with the stereotype.

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