Monday 13 June 2011

Rite of Passage - Monologue

This is a monologue I made to represent my rite of passage- 'A missing love'

I was always taught a man's job was to protect and provide, so i did so
love is a very strong thing, very strong,
and with you i shared it, day in day out
our happiness was heaven, and sad times hell
the ones you love the most, are also the one's you hate the most,
it frustrated me to see you down, so i tried to help as much as i could, at times you would turn on me,
and i would feel useless,
how can a man be useless? i was meant to protect and provide
you made me feel weak when i was strong,
and when i was weak you made me weaker,
when you left you took a piece of my heart,
you took your bags and i took the pain,
I'm a man, so i cant show my feelings, or my emotions,
i cover myself like a tourtel,
the funny thing is i still love you, and i thrive of your happiness,
we used to be soul mates, now were not even friends,
and i'm left with the blame,
but i'll take that responsibility since i'm a man.

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